13.5 Recoherence

If we could measure the environment in the |e_i\rangle basis without forgetting the result, then we would know what kind of error had occurred (say, some E_k) and could then simply restore the original state |\psi\rangle by reversing the action of E_k. But the challenge lies in our lack of control over the environment. At first glance, once our bunch of qubits, initially in state |\psi\rangle, gets entangled with the environment |\psi\rangle|e\rangle \longmapsto \sum_i E_i|\psi\rangle|e_i\rangle the situation looks rather hopeless — we do not have any control over the environment. However, there is a way around this. We can couple the qubits to an auxiliary system that we do control (an ancilla), and then attempt to transfer the qubits–environment entanglement to a qubits–ancilla entanglement. In other words, we prepare the ancilla in some prescribed state |a\rangle and try to undo the decoherence \mathcal{E} using some recovery or recoherence operator \mathcal{R} that acts as |\psi\rangle|a\rangle \longmapsto \sum_k R_k|\psi\rangle|a_k\rangle. Thus decoherence followed by recoherence acts as \begin{aligned} \mathcal{R}\mathcal{E}\colon |\psi\rangle|e\rangle|a\rangle &\longmapsto \sum_i E_i|\psi\rangle|e_i\rangle|a\rangle \\&\longmapsto \sum_{i,k} R_kE_i |\psi\rangle|e_i\rangle|a_k\rangle \end{aligned} which we can also express in a diagram, as in Figure 13.3.

The initial state undergoing decoherence followed by recoherence. Here \mathcal{S} is the system of qubits that we want to work with, \mathcal{N} is the environment, and \mathcal{A} is the ancilla that we introduce. The squiggly arrow represents interactions, and the dashed line represents entanglement.

Figure 13.3: The initial state undergoing decoherence followed by recoherence. Here \mathcal{S} is the system of qubits that we want to work with, \mathcal{N} is the environment, and \mathcal{A} is the ancilla that we introduce. The squiggly arrow represents interactions, and the dashed line represents entanglement.

But for this to help us, we need to end up with in a state where the ancilla and the environment are entangled with one another, and the qubit is entangled with nothing, i.e. a state of the form |\psi\rangle\otimes(\text{some entangled state of the ancilla and environment}) as shown in Figure 13.4

The desired outcome of the decoherence–recoherence process.

Figure 13.4: The desired outcome of the decoherence–recoherence process.

Ideally we would like this to hold for all states |\psi\rangle, but this turns out to be too much to ask: as we shall see in a moment, we will have to confine our recoverable states to those that belong to a subspace called the codespace. But then at least for these states we expect to have \sum_{i,k} R_kE_i |\psi\rangle|e_i\rangle|a_k\rangle = \sum_{i,k} |\psi\rangle\otimes\lambda_{ik}|e_i\rangle|a_k\rangle. The ability of R_k to perform the correction like this means that R_kE_i = \lambda_{ik}\mathbf{1} when acting on the codespace states |\psi\rangle. In turn, this means that \begin{aligned} \sum_k (R_k E_j)^\dagger(R_k E_i) &= E_j^\dagger \left(\sum_k R_k^\dagger R_k\right) E_i \\&= E_j^\dagger E_i \\&= \lambda_{jk}^\star\lambda_{ik}\mathbf{1} \end{aligned} which reminds us of the hopefully now-familiar condition for being able to correct a randomly chosen isometry.

Last but not least, note that the recoherence operator \mathcal{R} not only allows us to recover from the errors E_i, but also from any errors that are in the linear span of these. Thus if the errors E_i form a basis in the matrix space — as is the case for the Pauli matrices together with the identity — then once we design an error recovery scheme for the E_i, we will be able to correct any error.

If a quantum error correction method corrects errors E_1 and E_2, then it also corrects any linear combination of E_1 and E_2.

For example, in Section 13.2 we saw how the three-qubit encoding could correct for one of the possible errors265 \mathbf{1}, X_1, X_2, or X_3. But not only can we correct for this discrete set of errors, we can also correct for any linear combination of them, such as R_{X_1}^(\theta), which acts as |\psi\rangle \overset{R_{X_1}(\theta)}{\longmapsto} \cos\frac{\theta}{2}|\psi\rangle + i\sin\frac{\theta}{2}X_1|\psi\rangle. In other words, the scenario where, with probability \cos^2\frac{\theta}{2} we find that no error occurred, and with probability \sin^2\frac{\theta}{2} we find that the error X_1 occurred and correct it.

  1. Quite often we will write X_i to mean “an X error on the i-th qubit”, so that e.g. X_2=\mathbf{1}\otimes X_2\otimes\mathbf{1}\ldots\otimes\mathbf{1}.↩︎