2.9 Any unitary operation on a single qubit
There are infinitely many single-qubit unitaries, i.e. unitary operations that can be performed on a single qubit.
In general, any complex
This sort of argument — counting how many parameters determine a family of matrices — is really an example of calculating the dimension of a vector space.
More generally, saying things like “imposing a polynomial equation condition on the coefficients lowers the number of (complex) parameters necessary by
In particular, we need four real parameters to specify a
Delightfully, the answer is yes, we can.
Any unitary operation on a qubit (up to an overall multiplicative phase factor) can be implemented by a circuit containing just two Hadamards and three phase gates, with adjustable phase settings, as in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: The universal circuit for unitary
If we multiply the matrices58 corresponding to each gate in the network we obtain the single matrix
Any complex number
z is uniquely specified by two real parameters, writingz=x+iy orz=re^{i\varphi} , for example. This is an instance of the fact that\mathbb{C} is a two-dimensional vector space over\mathbb{R} .↩︎Remember that the order of matrix multiplication is reversed when compared to reading circuit diagrams.↩︎