2.14 Remarks and exercises
2.14.1 One simple circuit
Show that
B is unitary.Find the overall unitary corresponding to the circuit63
2.14.2 Change of basis
Write the state
2.14.3 Operators as unitary matrices
Say we have a linear operator that acts on a qubit as follows:
- Show that this linear operator is equal to
M = \big(\alpha|0\rangle+\beta|1\rangle\big)\langle 0| + \big(\beta^\star|0\rangle-\alpha^\star|1\rangle\big)\langle 1| by calculatingM|0\rangle andM|1\rangle . - If we pick the standard basis
|0\rangle \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 1\\0 \end{bmatrix} \qquad |1\rangle \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 0\\1 \end{bmatrix} then what is the matrix representation ofM ? - Verify that
M is unitary.
2.14.4 Completing an orthonormal basis
Imagine that some quantum system has four energy levels:
2.14.5 Some sums of inner products
\sum_{k=1}^{N-1} k^2 \langle v_{N-1}|v_k\rangle \sum_{k=1}^{N-1} k^2 \langle v_N|v_k\rangle \sum_{k=1}^N \langle v_{N-1}|v_k\rangle\langle v_k|v_{N-1}\rangle \sum_{j,k=1}^{N-1} \langle v_j|v_k\rangle
2.14.6 Some circuit identities
Prove the following circuit identities, ignoring any global phase:
Using the above, find
\theta_1 and\theta_2 such thatfor some value
\delta .We can think of the second identity in the previous question as an implementation of “if the two
X gates are absent then do nothing; otherwise implement the phase gateP_\delta ”. Given that unitary matrices are normal, adapt this circuit so that implements “if the twoX gates are absent then do nothing; otherwise implement the unitaryU ” whereU is a one-qubit unitary.
2.14.7 Unitaries preserve length
- Show that the length of the vector
M(|u_1\rangle+|u_2\rangle)/\sqrt{2} is\sqrt{1+\operatorname{Re}\langle v_1|v_2\rangle}. - Find a correctly normalised superposition
|\psi\rangle=\lambda(\alpha|u_1\rangle+\beta|u_2\rangle) such thatM|\psi\rangle is of length\sqrt{1+\operatorname{Im}\langle v_1|v_2\rangle}. - Using the above, show that, for all
|\psi\rangle of length1 , the vectorM|\psi\rangle is of length1 if and only ifM is unitary.
2.14.8 Unknown phase
Consider the usual quantum interference circuit:
Suppose you can control the input of the circuit and measure the output, but you do not know the phase shift
Now you are promised that
This problem forms the basis for a lot of material later on: most quantum algorithms build upon it. We will return to it again and again in Chapter 10.
2.14.9 One of the many cross-product identities
When working with three-dimensional geometry, the cross product of vectors is very useful, so here is an exercise to help you get used to working with it.
Let’s say we want to derive the identity65
First, notice that the products of Pauli matrices can be written succinctly as
If you get the answer
\begin{bmatrix}0&1\\i&0\end{bmatrix} then you performed the matrix multiplication in the wrong order!↩︎All of your answers should be numbers (in fact, they’ll all even be integers).↩︎
Hint: all you need here are the Pauli matrices’ commutation and anticommutation relations, but it is instructive to derive the identity using the component notation, and below we give a sketch of how such a derivation would go.↩︎